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- 2012-4-2
我設定完 結果 首夜跑出這個來....
Discuz! info: MySQL Query Error
User: GL
Time: 2010-11-10 8:51pm
Script: /index.php
SQL: SELECT attach.aid, attach.attachment, t.tid, t.fid, t.subject FROM [Table]attachments attach LEFT JOIN [Table]threads t ON t.tid=attach.tid WHERE attach.readperm=0 AND t.displayorder>=0 AND attach.isimage=1 AND t.fid IN(動畫&CG圖片) GROUP BY attach.tid ORDER BY attach.dateline DESC LIMIT 0, 50
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '動畫&CG圖片) GROUP BY attach.tid ORDER BY attach.dateline DESC LIMIT 0, 50' at line 1
Errno.: 1064
Similar error report has been dispatched to administrator before.
到 http://faq.comsenz.com 搜索此错误的解决方案 |